Wedding Details

Our Wedding

1.11.2009 | Our Wedding, Portfolio

We are getting married on Saturday, May 30th at 4 p.m. Funny how things come together.

Looking back . . .

The story begins years ago, in the lesser-known Washington city, Spokane. Colorado-native Ryan was out there, wrapping up undergrad at Whitworth University. Qui and several of her closest friends had just migrated to Spokane for a graduate program at the same school. (Qui, who had graduated from Messiah College a year earlier and was living in PA, went along for the move.)

We met through a professional networking group, as if often the case with public relations geeks. So we networked. A year later, we went on our first dates, had a mind-boggling blast on each one . . . and Qui promptly picked up and move to Spain. She never returned to Spokane, instead opting for a spontaneous relocation to the other Washington – DC. Clearly, we kept in touch. Ryan followed her six months later. And the rest is history, baby!

Let’s Do This Thing!

We got engaged on November 15, 2008, and will start “our blessed union” only six months later in the nation’s capital. The district has been our home for four years. Our life here is in many ways atypical of what you see on TV. There’s more to this city than black suits, pearls and politcos, and we are psyched out of our minds to share “our” DC with you. Keep reading for info on our wedding day, which features two of our favorite things: parks and community. (And champagne.)



You guys win! Apart from the um, (shall I say it?!) the typos, I’m very impressed :) Hey, honesty first! You’ll always get that from me, my pretties. I’m so obviously thrilled to be a part of you two and look forward to mas mas mas in the ways of uniting and chatting and helping things move along. So excited for May time in DC! Will I get to see the cherry blossoms? Not that they matter comparatively….


Dude, Genelle, the english major. You need to copy edit for us. It’s part of your duty as MOH. So get on it.


p.s NO CHERRY BLOSSOMS FOR YOU. Until you edit. mwah haha.


You crazy kids! Can’t wait to celebrate!!! xoxo


The part you left out of this “story” is the 2+ hours you spent on the phone every night on a Washington to Washington conference call talking on the phone about heavens knows what. What do you even talk about for 2+ hours every stinking night? How is that possible? I’m not bitter at all. In fact, I am thrilled that all those hours on the phone have turned out the way that they did. And really I have nothing but love for you both, as well as plenty of snide comments to come.


@Steve-O – You’re a good man for making that long drive back to Spokane while I chatted on the phone the whole way. Yup, I was totally that guy. But it ended up being for a good cause, and I’m stoked you were there to share in it. Now, let the snide comments resume.


I appreciate Steve-O making sure it’s not overlooked that Ryan’s friends had to suffer a little while he tried to figure out if he was going to pursue Qui all the way to DC. Personally I’m glad he did….but I would have appreciated the courtship on the westcoast versus the eastcoast. But don’t get me wrong Ryan – Qui is definately worth it and you’re marrying up my friend (as I did)!
